Abstract Submission

All abstract submissions  to 19th ICNTMA should be entered through the submission portal below. The submission deadline is 11th March. Please read the information below, before starting your submission.

Abstracts will be categorised into the following ‘broad themes’. Note that there is an expectation that by submitting an abstract, the presenting author will go on to register. There is no fee for submitting your abstract(s).


  • Applications. Life Sciences.
  • Applications. Environment, Cultural Heritage and Forensics.
  • Applications. Radiation Oncology.
  • Applications. Energy applications.
  • Applications. Space, microelectronic and others.
  • Technologies and Applications. Technique Advances and Emerging techniques.
  • Technologies. Micromodification.
  • Technologies. Single ion technology.
  • Technologies. Quantum technology and nanodevices.
  • Technologies. Instrumentation.
  • Technologies. Detectors.

Submission Details

  • The abstract title, authors and their affiliation should be entered in the corresponding fields.
  • Please note that the text should not exceed 300 words.
  • Please indicate your preferred type of presentation (oral/poster). However, it is up to the Programme Committee to make the final selection. Late abstracts can only be considered as posters.

Poster Presentation Instructions

  • The physical presentation of posters will take place during the congress. Posters must be printed and displayed in size A0 (841 x 1189 mm). Additionally, is required to upload the poster to the digital poster management platform, where it will be viewable on all screens (PC, mobile).
  • Authors can access the upload platform using the credentials that will be provided.
  • Please note that no specific template is required for the poster format; however, compliance with the specified dimensions is necessary.
  • Prior to uploading, posters must be converted to PDF format. Files that are not in PDF format will not be accepted by the platform.