
Training course: Using OMDAQ-3 for collecting and processing Nuclear Microbeam data

G.W. Grime
Oxford Microbeams Ltd, Oxford U.K.
University of Surrey Ion Beam Centre, Guildford U.K.

Thursday 11th July

14:30 – 16:00 // 16:00 - 15 min break // 16:15 – 18:00

  • Introduction to data handling and beam control for nuclear microbeams.
  • History of OMDAQ. Basic concepts.
  • OMDAQ hardware interfaces.
    • Detector hardware. Types of data. Configuration.
    • Beam scanning hardware configuration. Scan patterns, pixel clocking.
    • Sample stage control.
    • Optical microscopy in OMDAQ.
    • Charge collection / beam current.
    • Other control functions.
  • Using OMDAQ for collecting data.
    • Creating and displaying maps and spectra.
    • Setting up.
    • The basic run sequence (locate, scan size, start a run, stop).
    • Programmed runs / automation.

Friday 12th July

09:00 – 10:30 // 10:30 - 15 min break // 10:45 – 12:30

  • Introduction to data processing with OMDAQ-3.
    • Types of data files. File formats. File conversions.
    • The LMF extractor program for manipulating listmode files.
  • Manipulating maps.
    • Image processing. Colours, smoothing, clipping, binning.
    • Combining maps.
    • Map overlays.
  • Extracting masked spectra from listmode files.
    • Creating and manipulating masks.
  • Processing spectra.
    • Spreadsheet output.
    • RBS spectra.
    • PIXE spectra.
    • The GUPIX interface.
    • The Q-factor method.
    • Compare with standard.
    • Transfer to Matrix.

Number of available seats: 20.

It is recommended to bring your own laptop for the optimal functioning of the workshop.

13:30 – 18:00 // 15:30 - 15 min break

  • Practical session.
    • Hands-on data processing using ‘interesting’ listmode data files.
  • Group and individual Q&A sessions.