
  • Manuscripts should follow the journal’s instructions ( and must be original. All submissions will be peer-reviewed for quality, relevance, and originality.
  • Important: EPJ Plus is a hybrid journal. Authors from institutes with a Transformative Agreement can publish Open Access (OA) with fees covered by the agreement. For details, see If not covered, authors can choose to pay for OA or opt for the subscription model.
  • The submission deadline is 31.Dec.2024. No extensions are expected. Submit manuscripts as soon as ready. Accepted papers will be published promptly in the Focus Point collection online.
  • Submit electronically at At Step 5 (Additional Information), reply YES to ‘Are you submitting this manuscript following an invitation to contribute to a «Focus Point»?’ Then select «Focus Point on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications. Guest editors: N. Maldonado, M. D. Ynsa, B. Cortés, J. Olivares Villegas, T. Pinheiro, E. Enríquez, M. C. Jiménez-Ramos, G. García.

For assistance, contact epjplus.bologna@sif.itFor scientific issues, contact the guest editors directly.